My thoughts are confusing to myself half the time, but I hope it makes sense in some way to you.. and also to who may read, I don't mean any harm or mean to be hurtful to anyone! Also, while you are here feed the fish and check them out, there is a little survey for my feedback also, thank you, enjoy!

Friday, February 25, 2011

about me.. take two

We found out we were pregnant with Grace about four months before we were set to get married. Meanwhile at the same time the company we worked went under and work become few and far between until eventually there was no work. I had to leave work because with what happened with Nacole and that pregnancy they were not sure how this pregnancy was going to go. We got married and had Grace in November. I went back to work at the movie store and Nick was doing tree work and other part time jobs. Things seemed to be back on a normal track until.. SUPRISE!! Pregnant with #3 while #2 was only 6 months old. Ok, so I had to leave work, again, because one pregnancy was not so good while the other went 100% fine they didn't know which way this one would go. All my kids are 100% healthy and the last two pregnancies went full term and made me miserably happy to the end!

Our family expanded in a huge way in a small time. Everyday is different and everyday is the same. I'm not back at the movie store because now I have to wait for someone else to leave. So now I am back in the job hunting position and the tree co. Edward worked for went under..go figure. lol Anyways, thats all I feel like sharing about everything now.

We actually had a calm, relaxing, everything was done and warm at the same time and we got to sit down and eat together dinner. Very nice!! I look at my beautiful girls and how they amaze me in the ways they are different and the same. I look at my husband and thank God that I have a man whom I completly trust, love, admire and respect. I have my wonderful mother, who yes can sometimes drives me to wits end, but I love her so much and also respect and admirer her! Thank you to all that are wonderful in my life.

Now everyone is in bed and now its Edward and I time..

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