My thoughts are confusing to myself half the time, but I hope it makes sense in some way to you.. and also to who may read, I don't mean any harm or mean to be hurtful to anyone! Also, while you are here feed the fish and check them out, there is a little survey for my feedback also, thank you, enjoy!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A couple things i take pride in..

Tonight I am going to tell you about things that I take pride in being and not being as a person. I do not consider myself a jelouse person. Although there were a couple girls over the nine years I have been with Edward that have made me try my tolerence with them.. First there was 'Vicki' whom had some real nice quads and she new that Edward liked them.. So that turned into her coming to our house with those stupidly fun things and after awhile I got pissy and put a stop to that. No I was not jelous in all honesty, but come on, who does that..
  Then there was 'Ruby'. She really is not worth talking to much about.. lol She learned that no girl has nothing on me when it comes to HIM.
  We also know a person whom I will call 'Sally' in this post.. she likes to call my husband when there are problems or things that need to be done around her place. Although most of that was about two years ago and I put an end to that right away... he has to much shit to do at OUR house. :) I am not the type to get jealous if he glances at a girl now and then (he knows I do this to, but with men) I dont care if a girl is naked on tv or half naked on tv or in a magazine.. they cant jump out and hump him from those pages. lol The point is that threw the girls who have TRIED to take him from me have failed.. and some of the guys over the nine years that have tried to get me all failed. I truely believe it is because we have trust, communication and respect for one another. I believe that I am one of very few woman who can honestly say that I believe with all my heart that I have a husband who will never cheat on me, hurt me, leave me and our children or do anything that would wreck what we have.

Another thing that I take pride in is not being a controling psycho wife as he is not a controlling psyco husband. I will stay with the kids while he goes and does things with his friends and I know that he would do the same, but here is the problem.. I have no friends. Well at least none that are just MINE. I do have one frined, Leigh, whom we have had a rocky relationship but it seems to be getting better although half the time she is staying up north with her fiance. Then there is Micheal, he has been there for me threw so much and he is my bff!! He never judges me and always gives his opinion weather it will hurt or not. He is honest and I love just like a brother and he knows it. But I have no chilrhood friends that know me from when I was a kid and did stupid things. lol I miss them.. anyways, off track.. tonight I had a little 'pitty party' I got upset because his friend invited him over to do guy things and I kinda freaked out, its not like he does this all the time. But when is it my turn? I have had three children in five years and pregnant for the last two. I love my kids to death but when is it my turn to forget I am a wife and a mother (for pretend for just one night) and have fun?? lol My birthday is on a Saturday this year.. I will be 26. I want to party, I don't care if it is at the bar or at my house with some close friends and family. I just want to have fun and party, but I got ten bucks that says it will be another night in, like every night.. lol

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