My thoughts are confusing to myself half the time, but I hope it makes sense in some way to you.. and also to who may read, I don't mean any harm or mean to be hurtful to anyone! Also, while you are here feed the fish and check them out, there is a little survey for my feedback also, thank you, enjoy!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Marriage via two

  There are lies and there are secrets.. is there really a difference? I believe the answer is yes and no. I look back on the nine years Edward and I have been together and there are two things that I think he would be disapointed in me, but he doesn't know, so is that bad? You wanna know what they are dont ya? Well just like him you will never know. ;) OR maybe when I can man-up I will tell him and maybe you.. but don't expect it for a long time to come and don't think it is cheating or anything that comes close to it so don't get your panties in a bunch. But I sit here with these two secrets and wonder, does he have any from me? It hurts me to think that he would, but then we all have our own secrets. I don't believe I have ever lied to him though, a real lie.. I might do a little white lie and say "I'm passing century place" when I am really just leaving Meijer parking But never have I lied to him to cause him pain or heartach. I am very proud of this. I love this man and wouldn't know what to do without him!!

Edward who...? Amanda who...?

When I met Edward I had dated but never actually done it with anyone. When Edward met me, from what I have heard, he had 'been around the block' so to say but never had a girlfriend. When they say opposites attract, could they be right? lol Teen years for me were school work, ocasional drunkin' night, lots of friends coming to my house to hang out and play games, watch movies, whatever.. Edwards teen years consisted of girls, alcohol, drugs, girls, friends and who the hell honestly know what else lol One night some friends needed a place to drink (because we were all under age shhhh if my kids ask I never did bad things..ever!! lol Anyhow it was our first time meeting and I swear the moment I seen him I knew that man was going to have a impact on my life!! And he did/does!!  Will finish my point later right now I got three beautiful girls crying lol

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