My thoughts are confusing to myself half the time, but I hope it makes sense in some way to you.. and also to who may read, I don't mean any harm or mean to be hurtful to anyone! Also, while you are here feed the fish and check them out, there is a little survey for my feedback also, thank you, enjoy!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Really?! I have never been so embaressed in my life!

A look into a day of my life.. prepare yourself..

 Yesterday a friend of ours we have not seen in awhile stoped by. Since I last talked to them we have had two more daughters and officially gotten married. So Edward gets a phone call, a friend needs his help. My first thought as he leaves is please hurry. Not even 15 minutes after he walks out the door Nacole thinks it will be funny to try and undermine everything I say. She starts sticking this wand thing in my face so I ask her nicely a couple times to stop, after thinking it is funnier and funnier to her I take it away and put it up out of reach. This then leads to histaricle crying/screaming/whining a bunch of "I hate you moms", "i want my daddy", then on top of it my 3 month old, Marie starts screaming because by now Kailynne and I have woke her up our screaming because by now I am about ready to strangle her as she hits me and screams like a wounded coyote all because she just wouldn't listen. So I pick up Marie trying to get her calmed down while my friend is looking at me with the look of "man I do not wish I was you, not even for a second." Finally I grab Nacole by her arm and escort her in the bedroom, with a three month old in my left arm, a four year old fighting me with my right arm, I finally get her in the room and tell her she better not come out until she can act respectful. Ok at this point I have the situation contained.. until.. remember I told you my mom lives with us.. so the situation is contained until my mom decides to open her bedroom door and yell "wtf is going on here? Why are you always fighting with Nacole? NACOLE! Come hang out with Grandma honey. I will be nice to you." OMG! Are you fucking serious? You did not just come out and yell at me in front of my friend about how I am dicaplining my kid who is getting out of control when I had the situation under control!! So now my friend is looking at me like "omg I can't believe your mom just did that." I tell her.. "Welcome to my life."

You see I have a mother whom I honestly think sometimes thinks that I hate my oldest child, when that is FARTHEST from the truth. Do I get disgureged sometimes, yes, do I lose my temper sometimes, yes, do I wish she would listen to me, yes. Does that mean I don't love her, NO! That girl is my world and I look at how smart and beautiful she is and I want her to take on this thing we call life and beat it in the head and show the world she is better then greentown michigan!! You see Nacole is 4, but she thinks it is okay to hit, scream when she doesn't get her way, a LOT of the time when you ask her to do something, or not do something for that matter and she will go out of her way to do the oppisite of what was said. I know she is a kid, but kids I know listen to their parents. But in my case it is just me she won't listen to, she wouldn't dare pull this when her dad is around. I don't mean to be venting about Nacole when it is really my mom I need to vent about. Do I think Nacole would behave different if grandma wasn't there to yell at me for yelling at her or making comments under her breath all the time that she thinks my husband and I can't hear about how "mean we are" to one kid but not the other? Did I mention there is a 3 year age difference between my oldest and middle child? So yes I do treat them different because you can't punish a one year old and a four year old the same way, can you? I mean at four you know certin things are bad/naughty and you shouldn't do them, at one you are learning what you can and can't do. So yes, when Grace and Marie start talking and being mouthy and not listen they will get in the same amount of trouble. I love my mother do death, she has been threw hell and back in her lifetime, but my only wish would be for the comments and undermining to STOP!!!!! But I don't see that happening because I have asked more then once and it still continues.. Anyways, by the time Nacole was done throwing her fit and my mom embaressing me and my friend was ready to leave I was so embarresed, oh and at this point Edward decides to walk threw the door and the kids all act like nothing happened and that mom was about to enroll herself in the nearest nut house. LoL

What scares me most..?

I do NOT want my kids to be kids that you don't want to be around, you know what I am talking about. Right now Nacole gets very bossy when she has friends over, she is always in your face when she talks to you. I, as a mother, only want my children to be there best selfs. I try to teach my daughters that there are certin things as ladies we don't do and as a kid there are a lot of times you are going to be told no, not because I don't love them, but because I don't want them to think the world owes them anything, I want them to know you work for what you want, you show respect for people or you will not get respect back, keep a clean bedroom will help you keep a clean house when you grow up, ya know? The ways of life.. Your not gonna be a kid forever. I LOVE YOU NACOLE, GRACE, AND MARIE SO MUCH, YOU GIRLS ARE MY WORLD AND I ONLY WANT THE BEST FOR YOU, REACH FOR THE STARS AND BLOW EM UP, SHOW THIS WORLD HOW BRIGHT YOU CAN SHINE!

sorry but I really needed a venting post..

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